Riot Games plans to rid the League of Legends client from all problems

Riot Games plans to rid the League of Legends client from all problems

a Client League of Legends is the basis of the game, which is the base platform to search for matches and communicate. Today, Riot Games introduced the initiative, under which the company will focus on the improvement and optimisation of the client.

for the next six months or so we will make a number of changes and improvements in the server infrastructure of the customer League of Legends.

to keep track of our process, we will share specific targets for two key indicators — the initial load time of the client and the lock time Champions.

In the process of improving these indicators, we will also solve problems such as errors crashes and so on. Simply put, our goal is to fix the client.

Riot Games plans to rework the plugin system and EmberJS. Currently, the game client uses too many plugins (41) and applications Ember (16). Each of them takes from 100 to 800 MS to run.

More bug fixes and client improvements we can expect over the next few months.


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