The network has the gameplay of the mobile version of League of Legends

The network has the gameplay of the mobile version of League of Legends

Video and screenshots of the gameplay appeared on the fan page of the mobile version of League of Legends on Facebook. Riot Games has not verified their authenticity.

I would like to say that those days are over and everything will work out, but this will be only partly true. Management is a very delicate matter and there are many specializations depending on what you need to manage. Therefore, most of the managers have to learn on the go, especially in e-sports. One of the prominent representatives of this case in the League of Legends can be considered Eric Tseng – the former manager of the Taiwanese Taipei Assassins team.

This nice lady, with a short biography of which you can find here, brought the TPA team to the finals of the second season of the young e-sports discipline, where the guys were not taken aback and took first place, entering the history of the game. When I say that she “brought the team to the final” – I do not exaggerate.


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