Riot Games after Sony refused to support Facebook

Riot Games after Sony refused to support Facebook

League of Legends users will no longer be able to find Facebook friends in the game. Riot Games abandoned this feature in the new patch 9.20, which was released on October 9th. A day earlier, Sony also said it was refusing .

No, the game does not mark into brilliant and great tales about the heroes of a non-existent world, rather, it pushes you to the possibility of understanding all the vicissitudes that exist between many groups and states in their own universe. Once I spent a lot of time, reading into every historical aspect of Valoran, studying the lives of then even less than a hundred heroes. Why do this? A low-level player who has just embarked on the war path cannot take advantage of all the game’s benefits, whether it’s a complete list of heroes available to him or pages of high-shooting runes that help in the beginning of the game, so it’s hard for you to decide who suits you best in style games. Let the cheap “old men” be available to you for purchase almost every third game, but you will still be green and if you want to figure out what’s what, pick up the hero with whom you can go the beginning of the path – you can go and read about him.

In LORE, the characters of the League describe not only their lives, but also their abilities, although sometimes veiled, but you can just look above – you will see descriptions of all the skills and their statistics. Between all of them there is a connection and sometimes not only hostile. At first, it seemed to me that I can only read and study all this in pursuit of understanding the universe, but the higher I went up the rank, the more people I met doing the same thing. Between all of them there is a connection and sometimes not only hostile.


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