Update in LoL, two champions in TFT and teaser of Riot plans for 2020

Update in LoL, two champions in TFT and teaser of Riot plans for 2020

Today, Riot Games decided to release two updates for their games at once. In League of Legends, a new ranking season should start soon, so the developers are in a hurry to make as many changes as possible to the balance of champions and items. Well.

The second type of classification of champions is by their place on the battlefield. In the most popular scenario, one character (topper) is on the top line, another (midder) is on the middle line, two (ADC and support) on the bottom line, and another (forester) runs from line to line through the forest. Mids, as a rule, are magicians, ADK (from the English Attack Damage Carry) – arrows, and support – champions of support and tanks. Warriors are well suited for the role of toppers and foresters.

The most important thing in choosing champions is balance. The team must include characters capable of holding the blow, and those who will deal damage. Control and mobility are also important, since there is plenty to choose from. There are one hundred and forty champions in the game, and every three to four months add new ones.


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