In honor of the assault on Zone 51 in the League of Legends returned the image of an alien for Heimerdinger

In honor of the assault on Zone 51 in the League of Legends returned the image of an alien for Heimerdinger

Riot Games temporarily returned the legendary Alien Invader Heimerdinger look to the League of Legends store. This happened before the assault on ‘Zone 51’, which was supposed to happen on the night of September 21.

And it should be noted, the system worked just fine. Even the ubiquitous “Korean random” simply could not stand next to the choice that the system made. But now the players could make a more or less correct first impression of each other, thereby giving rise to a lot of oppression on the one hundred side of the holders of higher ratings. So Elo-hell gained its name and similarities. The edges of ELO-hell remain blurred so far, regardless of the rating, only very “high” in their rating players can not really worry about the selection.

For some time in the League’s official client, in the profile section, there was an inactive “Achievements” button. Everyone could not enter it normally, however, quickly changing their minds, Riot Games released their ideological successors in season 3. motley enough to attract new people. This system also helps teams find players without leaving the game, because the statistics have become the most detailed.


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