Riot Games sues esports organization

Riot Games sues esports organization

Riot Games, known as the developer of the MOBA League of Legends, has filed a lawsuit against the e-sports organization Riot Squad. The reason for the lawsuit was the use of the word ‘Riot’ in the name.

While the MMO market was developing at a slow and steady pace, allowing people to plunge into an open world full of the same adventure-craving gamers, with variegated plots and numerous recurring quests – closed session games meanwhile raged from no less and in places more numerous battles that time after time all repeated and repeated, but people didn’t get bored even for a second, be it the thousandth game on the Mansion map, the next map in the thread invented by craftsmen and generated by StarEdit in StarCraft.

The battles in the Defense of the Ancients map, which is gaining momentum (hereinafter simply DotA, which is still better referred to as a modification rather than just a map), was created on the basis of a modification to StarCraft with the help of the skillful hands of Steve Fick and successfully dominating its niche for a long and long time. Of course, the idea was gleaned from many, many other similar modifications that users then procrastinated day after day.


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